Christmas 2012 How to recycle your Christmas tree

‎27-10-2012 02:07

Christmas 2012 How to recycle your Christmas tree

How to recycle your Christmas treeRecycling your Christmas tree can be a better option than throwing it in the trash. Saving the environment is of paramount importance, and recycling your Christmas tree is a good way to begin a recycling program. A worthwhile and productive hobby could also be developed through the recycling of your Christmas tree. You might also get the whole family involved in your recycling program. Ways to recycle your Christmas tree1) Use your wood chipper and chip your Christmas tree into mulch for your garden. Spread your new mulch all over your garden and your garden will stay moist for the winter and protect your bulbs and other plants that come up in the spring. This excellent new mulch should be especially good for your rose plants.2) Use the wood chipper and chip your Christmas tree just as you did for the mulch but add to your compost pile or start a compost pile. Add other compost materials, kitchen food scraps, paper, worms, and soil. You will have excellent garden compost by springtime.3) Saw the trunk of your Christmas tree into one-half inch or three-fourth inch sections. Make Cheap Titans jerseys decorative plaques with these pieces. You can paint scenes on them and varnish them. They could also be used as a base for a wood sculpture. You can also make wooden sculptures from other parts of the tree trunk. You could paint or sculpt decorative Christmas scenes. Once you have made a bunch of plaques and sculptures you can take them to craft fairs. You will get back the money you spent for your Christmas tree and more.Remove the pine needles from the branches and fashion the branches into wreaths. Decorate your wreaths with pine cones, flowers, bows, and ribbons. You can also sell these at craft fairs.Use the pine needles for mulch and compost. Pine needles can also be used as a fragrance in sachets and potpourri.4) If you have purchased a live Christmas tree in a pot, Cheap NIKE Youth jerseys you can plant it when the weather is warmer. Follow your planting instructions. You will have your Christmas tree forever. The carbon sink provided by your Christmas tree will give you excellent oxygen to breathe and help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Your live Christmas tree now firmly planted in your soil will provide a wind shelter in the winter and reduction of heat in the summer. You will reduce your heating and cooling costs.Buy a new live Christmas tree every year for planting. Christmas trees can also provide privacy for Cheap jerseys your property. With a live Christmas tree, you will also have your own pine cones. These can be used to make Christmas decorations and ornaments for many years to come. You can also sell them at craft shows.5) Many cities and communities provide a compost service. Just call the city or town where you live - usually the public works department to see how to recycle your Christmas tree. They may have a drop-off center or a special day for picking up Christmas trees. They will chip the trees into compost or mulch.If your city doesn't provide this service, check the yellow pages for recycling companies. Recycling companies will often pay you for whatever you bring to be Cheap Eagles jerseys recycled. Or they may just be a free service.Whatever way you decide to recycle your Christmas tree, you will surely reap excellent benefits from your recycling endeavors and can be assured that your recycling efforts are worthwhile.
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